Our online store offers the following payment options:

1. By bank deposit: Our branch has accounts in the following banks. Upon completion of your deposit, your order is launched. As a reason for filing you put your name and the order number.

Bank Accounts :
NBG IBAN: GR0901102170000021761283007 

Eurobank IBAN: GR9202602160000990101092597

Alpha IBAN: GR7501408230823002101045192

Piraeus IBAN: GR2201722650005265069615092


2. Payment and receipt of the product in the store: You receive and pay for your order in cash or by credit card from our physical stores:

3. Payment by credit or debit card: Our store accepts Visa & Mastercard cards (credit, debit or prepaid) of all banks. In addition, the possibility of installments is provided through a credit card. The payment system is made through the secure environment of Piraeus bank.

4. Paypal: Reliable payment method, internationally